Here's the skinny: Sargent is expert in zero-energy construction, which results in utility bills of $1 a day or less. At his May 3 Green Building and Energy-Efficient Remodeling class at 9:30am, he'll spend a couple of hours teaching homeowners (or people who want to build low-impact, high-performance homes) how to maximize the energy efficiency of their structures. Then, he'll spend a full hour answering your questions.
The cost of the class is $65 if you pre-register via PayPal, and you can easily recoup that expense in energy savings at home. Plus, 100% of the proceeds benefit La Reunion, as Medical City is granting us free use of their "City Hall" conference center in Care Tower E (off Merit Drive) and Sargent is volunteering his time. Please spread the word, as space is limited. Sign up now and save $5, as walk-up registrations (space permitting) are $70.
The cost of the class is $65 if you pre-register via PayPal, and you can easily recoup that expense in energy savings at home. Plus, 100% of the proceeds benefit La Reunion, as Medical City is granting us free use of their "City Hall" conference center in Care Tower E (off Merit Drive) and Sargent is volunteering his time. Please spread the word, as space is limited. Sign up now and save $5, as walk-up registrations (space permitting) are $70.
You can always email or call Sarah Jane at if you have trouble. 469/951-7323.
please inform me of upcoming workshops. c.s.ometz
So, how long is a couple of hours + an hour of questions? three hours? I have to be somewhere at 1:00, but think this sounds interesting... NBB
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