Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jim Sargent's Energy Efficient Remodeling Class

Jim Sargent is the preeminent "green" builder in the country. His work has been honored with the U.S. Department of Energy Gold Award, and his colleagues in the National Homebuilders Association named him builder of the year. Lucky for us he lives right here in North Texas (Waxahachie, to be precise). Even luckier, he has graced La Reunion's advisory board with his wisdom. Luckiest of all, he will now share that wisdom with the public to benefit our upstart artist residency.

Here's the skinny: Sargent is expert in zero-energy construction, which results in utility bills of $1 a day or less. At his May 3 Green Building and Energy-Efficient Remodeling class at 9:30am, he'll spend a couple of hours teaching homeowners (or people who want to build low-impact, high-performance homes) how to maximize the energy efficiency of their structures. Then, he'll spend a full hour answering your questions.

The cost of the class is $65 if you pre-register via PayPal, and you can easily recoup that expense in energy savings at home. Plus, 100% of the proceeds benefit La Reunion, as Medical City is granting us free use of their "City Hall" conference center in Care Tower E (off Merit Drive) and Sargent is volunteering his time. Please spread the word, as space is limited. Sign up now and save $5, as walk-up registrations (space permitting) are $70.

You can always email or call Sarah Jane at sarah@LaReunionTX.org if you have trouble.   469/951-7323. 


Unknown said...

please inform me of upcoming workshops. c.s.ometz

RichardsonHeights said...

So, how long is a couple of hours + an hour of questions? three hours? I have to be somewhere at 1:00, but think this sounds interesting... NBB