Monday, September 01, 2008

Second Annual Art Chicas Unidas - Call for Artists!

Who: La Reunion TX teams up again with Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas and Dallas Art Dealers Association to produce Art Chicas Unidas, a program to engage artists in the Dallas area to become involved in the artistic development of high school girls. Women artists, minority artists and artists working in all media are encouraged to apply.

What: Artists will lead teams of 5 girls in a day long project (9am – 3pm) with the goal that the girls co-host an exhibit showing an artifact they have created. The plan this year to create works directly inspired from or using materials from our 35 acre site. Think dirt, limbs, found materials, poetry inspired from the site etc. Get creative!

An evening reception will be open to their families and public at the end of the day long workshop at La Reunion TX’s gallery located at 2129 Farrington Street in Dallas. During lunch, members of DADA will lead a demonstration of the real-life essentials of how to create an artist portfolio including an artist statement, a bio, and an exhibition resume along with examples of their work. The La Reunion TX artist selection committee is made up of Dallas area arts professionals who will choose artists for this program.

When: Artists interested must complete the application (word file below), required digital portfolio with a $20 processing/background check fee and return to La Reunion TX by Sept. 30.

Mail proposals to:
La Reunion TX
2129 Farrington Street
Dallas, Texas 75207

Important dates:
Sept. 30: application deadline
Oct 10 (?): interviews for selected artists and their proposal
Oct 15: artists notified of acceptance (or not)
Oct. 20: materials list due
Nov. 8: workshop date

Stipend: Chosen artists will each be paid a $225 stipend for their time and planning of the day-long workshop. A materials budget of $75 is available for each chosen program.

For more information, please contact La Reunion TX Executive Director Sarah Jane Semrad at or DADA Executive Director Lisa Taylor at


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