Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Looking at La Reunion from outside Dallas

A few weeks ago, I had the honor to hear Robert Hammond speak about the amazing High Line project in NYC.  He was in town as a guest speaker for the Dallas Architecture Forum's 07-08 season at the Magnolia Theatre.  Listening to his experience in dealing with an artifact from another era and trying to do something interesting with it for the benefit of a city sounded awfully familiar.  The vision revealed to him and a co-founder was to create a super long park on the western side of Manhattan.  Why not, right?  It was awfully inspiring and exactly what I needed to hear at that moment in time as LRTX was heading into it's own ideas competition that wrapped juried deliberations just this past weekend...  WHEW.  Anyhoo.  After his talk, I had to introduce myself and share a little about the vision for Dallas we at La Reunion have with our own little plot of land and a trestle...  Check out Robert's post on LRTX on the High Line blog.  

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