Saturday, July 01, 2006

Behind the scenes // updates

We have all been busy doing mundane behind the scenes work lately. It's a learning curve to be sure, but nice to know all the intricacies of zoning, platting, engineering, and escarpments. In gearing up for the community clean-up day on July 15, I met with the city arborist and had an interesting conversation about the land, the vegetation, and some creative options on how to proceed. Catherine and I also did an interview with Quin Mathews for Art Matters that will air on WRR on Sunday, July 9 at 4PM and Thursday, July 13 at 6:30PM. Be sure to tune in! Catherine and I have also met with an architect who is a member of the USGBC for advice on a LEED certified structure. It's all been fascinating thus far.

Other behind the scenes work? We're working on putting together our advisory board. With a killer interdisciplinary cross-section of working Dallas artists and professionals, we will have the qualified input to make decisions about which artists stay and for how long. More information on that on the La Reunion website soon.

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