Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Is it the end of January already?

It is. Wow. Thanks to a chance meeting at a winter cocktail party with the delightful code enforcement officer Bob Curry, the next thing we know, 30 SMU frat boys are cleaning up the right-of-way out in Oak Cliff in front of the La Reunion stretch of land. Pictures on flickr. In anticipation of you asking... I don't think they were busted for a kegger or anything exciting. Instead, I think they were participating in some sort of required Greek community service. Either way, we are truly grateful that a mass of tires, trash, and other assorted items have been removed. Thanks boys!

In other news, the Belmont show was wall-to-wall people, from what I hear. I was, of course, waving from a jet on my way to France on a long-planned vacation, so I had to miss the Belmont festivities. Thank you to everyone who showed up and checked out the juried exhibit, Art With a View : La Reunion in the OC. A special thanks to Jesus Chairez and Carissa Byers for shooting some pictures and to those who purchased art. Thanks to the uber hip Belmont Hotel for hosting. A portion of sales goes to La Reunion and the show is up until March 13.